Revenue vs Sales: What’s the Difference?

sales volumn

If during Q3 your company experienced slightly lower sales and only moved 4,500 total units across product lines, your multivitamins would account for 28% of your total sales volume. This information is beneficial because it shows buyers are interested in purchasing your multivitamins even when other product sales are down — which could help drive your future sales strategy. On its own, sales volume doesn’t break down how much revenue your company brings in from product sales. However, understanding your sales volume can tell you what products are and aren’t selling, which is valuable information for business growth. Your product doesn’t sell because it’s a stellar product—it sells because it solves customer problems or meets a need. The more you know about your customers and why they purchase your product(s), the more you’ll be able to increase sales.

  • However, while sales are revenue, all revenue doesn’t necessarily derive from sales.
  • Sales volume can be further analyzed by considering the percentage of sales volume.
  • When you present your products from this perspective, you can provide a more compelling case to the customer as to why they need to buy them.
  • This means that of the all baked goods sold during the month, cupcakes accounted for 26.7 percent of units.
  • Make sure that you take into consideration each aspect described below.

Finally, you multiply the difference in sales (2,000) by the standard contribution per unit ($20). In this instance, the variance is favorable — meaning your company and its product exceed expectations. Chances are, you have a set of sales metrics and KPIs that you review on a regular basis to track business performance. However, just looking at dollars coming in from sales revenue may not tell you the whole story about how your products are truly performing in the market.

Apply these Metrics to Your Business

But sales volume analysis on the same products paints a different picture. Taking money out of the equation, 700 units of Product A were sold and 300 units of Product B were sold. From a sales volume point of view, Product A had a higher success rate amongst customers and benefited more in marketing than Product B, which means it should be pushed further. Total sales are the number of units sold multiplied by the unit cost of the product, while sales volume is the total number of units sold for a particular period. Simply put, your sales volume is the total number of units sold within a given reporting period, such as a financial quarter or a full year.

Taking care of your top consumers will yield your business positive outcomes. Aside from making sure that they are appreciated, you can even convince them to buy more from your business in the long run. Just make sure to offer them high value services that they can use, or you may risk annoying them with your non-effective pitches. Calculate sales volume by adding up the quantity of items sold in a specific period.

Non-store retailing

For example, let’s say a company projected it would sell 500 units in a given period, but actually sold 700, making a $10 profit per unit. The sales volume variance for this period would be 200 x 10, or $2000. This is a positive variance, whereas if the company had sold less than it projected, we would see a negative variance. A company’s sales volume is the total number of products or services that they are selling within a certain period of time. It is essentially meant to measure the exact tally of the goods that were bought in the defined period or season. For example, if a business sells notebooks, the sales volume should identify how many notebooks were sold in, let’s say, a calendar month or a 30-day period.

Portland Sales Volume Declines Across All Property Types – CoStar Group

Portland Sales Volume Declines Across All Property Types.

Posted: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 18:15:46 GMT [source]

By identifying what isn’t working, you can minimize the number of risks your business may face and improve your strategy as needed. However, to be successful at this, you have to know what problem the customer is experiencing. Once you understand those pain points, you can draw parallels between their challenges and why your product is the right solution. When qualifying prospects, you want to reach those who are the best fit for your product and are most likely to make a purchase.


Sales volume refers to the number of units your company sells during a specific reporting period. This period could be a month, a quarter, or a year depending on what level of sales volume you’re seeking to analyze. Investors frequently look at sales volume to assess the health of a growing or contracting company.

sales volumn

This will help you craft more impactful sales and marketing messaging. In sum, the first step to increasing sales volume is to track it consistently. Knowing the sales volume of all your offers are very important to increase your revenue. Of course, since there are many things to consider as to why the sales are low or booming, assessing your current data is crucial if your goal is to improve your numbers. Selling a product or service is not always profitable from the start.

How to Run a Cost Volume Profit Analysis

Figuring in labor, materials, and overhead, you discover the standard contribution is $20 per unit. Sales volume doesn’t sound fascinating, but it is — especially when it can tell you exactly what your business is doing right (or wrong). I am a Digital Marketer and an Entrepreneur with 12 Years of experience in Business and Marketing. Business is my passion and i have established myself in multiple industries with a focus on sustainable growth. The Retail Sales Index (RSI) is an important economic indicator and one of the earliest short-term measures of economic activity.

sales volumn

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